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BTTF mini mod для gta vc by Bluespace88
25.12.2013, 18:23
Blue's BTTF Addon (Beta)
(with sarcastic comments by Platina)

All it is a delorean that can fly and time travel, and has a somewhat sophisticated time circuits (They look the same to me <.<)

Add to vc folder, add/replace models in gta3.img, blah blah blah (most should know the drill by now)

If you want delorean sounds instead of helicopter ones, use 0.2e’s or 0.2d’s sfx archive. Preferably 0.2d. (if you use 0.2e’s you’ll be treated to a bar and strip club both dancing/stripping to the music of Big Ben. Highly recommended. Especially for those pervs who want to go to the strip club.)

- to turn on/off time circuits. (you know, the minus key)
0-9 for digits (if you don't know what the numbers mean.......see your first grade math teacher)
+ to enter (some people like their enter key the same....)

time circuits accepts data in: (as in, it won’t like any other data and will attempt to kill you for inputting the wrong things)
4 digits: hh:mm (him…)
8 digits: mm/dd/yyyy (midy…mindy?)
12 digits: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm (midyhm…medium? o.O)

(If you don't like the system of input, please remember, the product was made in the USA where the month always comes first.)

Note: if you have a conflicting key, remap it. (If you don't know how to remap, I hear gtaforums is a nice place to learn how. People there are really nice and forgiving. Trust me ^^)

num 4/5 to go to flying (like 0.2e)
space to boost (again like 0.2e)
num 4/5 to go back to driving (*sigh* why do I even bother)

(Btw, don’t alt tab. If you alt tab, the computer will spontaneously combust and you’ll lose everything. Except the time circuits still keep their data due to a black box.)

Credits: (Blue did nothing, it was all me…..jk ^^;)
-Blue: coding (hates scm coding x.x, loves C++ ^^)
-Carlos85G (formally Carlos E.G.L.): Delorean models (they have more history then you’ll ever know. Ask THE James Bond (not delb). He knows someone who worked on it. *cough*Silver007*cough*
-Platina: being the smart one (for how else could Blue know what mjd means)

This is for my fun, so don't ask me to add stuff, because most likely I won't. (She means it. Really! I mean, she wouldn’t allow my thought of adding pokeballs, a picture of me, and a few other things in the car <.<)

Platina’s Wall of Shame (for this mod at least, which was just a thread realy <.<)
-BTTFTime for spamming and just plain utter annoyance. He's not even a nerd. Steve Urkel can back me up.
-Fuzion (formally Sebestian) for constant pestering and even more utter annoyance. Oh yeah, about KITT Del, I fed him to the big WALL-E's.

…..need more people here <.<
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Категория: Моды для GTA Vice City | Добавил: PozitiVBttF | Теги: Mini, Bluespace88, bttf
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